Monday, March 8, 2010

Goals 50, 72, & 94: Italy

Let February 17th-22nd be named the most epic time period of the year. The trip to Milan, Italy included many of my favorite things such as dancing, design, destruction, dialects, and smuggling. This was all sponsored by a very good, old friend, Elis Bonini.

Goal 72: See my Italian friend, Elis, in Italy

It's been quite a while, at least 2 years since I've seen this old friend. Once a foreign exchange student to my high school, he knew me as the asshole that poorly imitated his accent for six months. We became good friends over doing ridiculous things in and around Albuquerque.

Well now it was my turn to return the favor with a ridiculous trip to Milan, where he now lives and goes to school. We wasted no time before beginning progress.

Goal 50: Eat an Italian Pizza

The first stop was a small pizzeria in Milan where pizza was sold by the gram, square, thick, and delicious.

They give you little forks to eat with.

I ate with those little forks.

Later on, Elis grabbed a couple of mushroom pizzas from another shop, and we dined on a circular Italian pizza.

After a day in Milan, we left to see the infamous town that formed Elis, Reggio Emilia. This town is very small, but has great importance. Not only did the Romans feature a road right through it, but it is also the birthplace of the current Italian flag. Reggio featured some incredible treats, including more Italian pizza at Piccolo Paradiso.

I had four different types of pizza here, all custom made, with different types of mushrooms and meats that I've never been privileged enough to see on my pizza dough.

The paradise had some unexpected bonuses as well. This was an anchovy bread combo that was gratis. In addition to this, I was seeking to eat a leftover pizza. The others I was with asked a waiter for permission, and he kindly rejected the privilege, but then brought out two of the largest sandwiches I had ever seen to be polite. These huge sandwiches play a major role in an adventure later on.

Goal 94: Laugh Until I Cry

The morning after our first night in Milan, Elis, Kenny and I were eating breakfast and discussing various things. One of the topics was of my previous night's rest with no blankets, on a bed in the living room. This was peculiar because I was awoken by Elis's roommates as they were eating breakfast at a table that was in direct line with my face while I was sleeping. We laughed about dumb things, but it was a good laugh we had.

Notice Elis is wearing the I heart 06 shirt, our senior shirt at St. Pius.

Nutella was the nice breakfast treat, who knew it would play an interesting role later on.

Epic Italia

Besides goals completed, Italy proved to be such an epic trip. We got free drinks at a club that left us wasted and bumbling about until 6am. That was then followed up by an authentic Italian meal by Elis's aunt and uncle where I nearly 'sploded from all the delicious, homemade food I ate.

After the drink and food, we found an abandoned factory that was inhabited by gypsies. We explored it a bit, and then started smashing up whatever we could.

That's not all though, because once we were getting ready to leave, we arrived at Bergamo Hotel/Airport the night before our 6am flight.

That was the worst of our problems though, because we had a 750g jar of Nutella that we had to smuggle back to Stockholm. Upon checking the rulebook, we saw that cremes can be in a maximum of 100g containers.

Lucky for us though, there is an exception to this rule...sorta. In the book, it cites that cremes "inside of sandwiches" is ok. Well then, it just so turns out we were given two oversized sandwiches that would be perfect for putting 750g of Nutella on.

My first time smuggling something across the border couldn't have been sweeter.


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