Saturday, July 24, 2010

Goals 47, 62, & 96: Playing Catch Up

There are some goals that I've completed that I haven't actually reported on because of their un-pictureness in nature. They've occurred over the last few months, and I'll take this post to tell the stories of how I progressed through them.

Goal 47: Turn Down a Good Job

Before and during my trip to Sweden (and Europe in general (and a bit of Africa)) I applied to various jobs of the internship nature. A few notable ones were with Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), Kirkland Airforce National Research Laboratories (AFRL), and Louisiana Energy Services (LES).

Well, after about three months of waiting and doing other things, I received an e-mail from AFRL letting me know that I had received a tentative job offer, and that I had ten days to respond. I was excited at first that I had already heard back, but I wasn't completely sure this was what I wanted to do for the summer, and I had not heard back from anyone else. So sent some friendly reminders to those I was waiting on, and began the initial steps with AFRL. Ten days passed in an uneventful way, and they began sending me hiring paperwork to fill out, and fill it out, I did.

Shortly after I was basically bombarded with notifications and tentacle offers. It was like spinning the lever on a jack-in-the-box for a few turns before noticing there was a toy that was already ready to play with, but didn't share any qualities with an explosion, then the jack-in-the-box explodes on it's own and you suddenly find yourself in dilemma.

I promptly declined most of the new offers to avoid hassle, but SNL notified me that I should have a job as soon as they get the paperwork processed. This was something I was willing to risk my reputation for at AFRL, so I let them know that I needed more time before making a final decision (because just because SNL said they had a place for me doesn't guarantee anything). I received emails that looked something like:

Hey Tyler,

What do you mean you need more time? You already accepted the offer bro.

-Your future boss

Needless to say, I was concerned, and I had to send about five e-mails to managers, HR reps, and the director of the summer program that went something like:

Yo dood,

I thought that offer was tentative? What does that even mean? LOL! Anyway, I can't accept the offer yet man. Dat coo'?


Nearly a month passes, and I'm starting to get worried, because AFRL is gunna be pissed if I turn them down at this point, but I wasn't going to be suckered into doing a job that wasn't my best option for the summer, even if it did pay twice as much as I've ever made in my life, and feature the mad triple Bs: Babes, Bling, and Benefits.

In the end, SNL finally offered me a job. I turned down AFRL in an email that didn't explain to them how they were the less-appealing best-friend-sister that I was hoping I didn't have to go to prom with if I could get with the sister whom I found much more attractive. But the best friend sister would have been a great date too.




Goal 62: Keep a Travel Blog

Goal 96: Submit new work to a Photoshop Competition

I went back to the site that developed my skills in Photoshop,

PacMan Garden - 4th Place

Zebraroo - 2nd Place

Pinkker - 7th Place

No winners yet though, so I'll be reporting goal 10 later.

Weekly Creation - July 24th

This week I made some new t-shirts with new stencils and old stencils. I also finally used some canvasses that have been collecting dust for the last five years. I've been wanting to make some new stuff with stencils, and I've never really broken into the "stencils as art" genre until this week.

This t-shirt features a mythical creature called Jorje. He is a legendary companion of mine, made of pig, rat, and super-awesomeness.

The Beethoven t-shirt was previously my favorite until a old one got holes in it. The remake was long awaited.

The following is a spray paint on canvas series featuring the classical faces, Bach, George Washington, and Beethoven, respectively.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Weekly Creation - July 10th

So this week I started 'Hot Yoga,' which meant I didn't get home a single night before 8:30pm. However, I did get notice back from a lady who was referred to me by a previous customer. She wanted me to put together some ideas for her website, and this was my favorite one.

Goal 86: Santa Fe Wine Festival

This is a bit outdated by now, but I've got some catching up to do, alright?

On July 3rd and 4th, the Santa Fe Wine Festival was up and running. I had never been to a true wine festival that wasn't Epcot's International Food and Wine Festival, and for a peasy little price of $13.00 for entrance and wine glass, I thought it a great way to spend the day.

Goal 86: Refine my wine tasting palette

At the wine festival we were given the wine glasses, and simply went from booth to booth, getting samples and tastes of wine from around New Mexico. We tasted lots of excellent wines, from dry sparkling whites to dark chocolaty desert reds. Whit decided she liked dry wines much more, while I always knew I was a fan of the wetter wines.

Also while at the wine festival, we sampled some foods, and even got a free back rub with some nice natural rubs. I bought some goat milk feta cheese in oil, that was pungent, salty, and delicious.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Weekly Creation - July 10th

Week Ending 7/10

This week was a commissioned work by a great friend of mine, Chris Santiago. He's going to school for media arts in film, and he asked me to help him put together a few things for his most recent film, "The Pull Out Method." It's about a porn film star who's getting pushed out of the business by a wave of Latino porn actors. My favorite piece that I made for him this week was a mock-movie poster for a porno called "Balls In Your Court." It's a movie that's supposed to take place in the mid-80's, and this is what I did for him.


Sunday, July 4, 2010

Summer Starter

The USA is a new and old place now. It's an old place with new perspectives.

The summer is going to be much more than disappointing, that is to say that it will be excellent. I'm only going to outline my top four plans now since I'm moderately unmotivated to write right now. I'll present it in list form.

1. Work and the Future

I'm working at SNL this summer. It's a good job, and I'm having a lot of fun with it so far. It's super normal hours make it possible for me to have a life outside of work too. I won't be posting much on work though since I'm fairly certain I'm not supposed to. For the future, I'll be preparing for the GRE and checking out grad schools.

2. Weekly creations

I'll be creating things every week. Whether it be graphically designed, crafted, or begotten, I'll have something posted up here by Sunday morning every week to display. I'm not saying it'll be good stuff, but hopefully it'll be neat. Here are the first two weeks':

Week Ending 6/28: Pink Frogger
Made for a photoshop contest.

Week ending 7/3: Pencil Holder
I wasn't given a pencil holder at work, so I had to make one out of my tape dispenser box.

3. (Re)Designs

I'm planning on redesigning my website,, and making some changes to this blog. I'll also be doing some designs for various clients, including myself, if that counts. Finally, I want to print and bring some of my digital work into the realm of Newtonian physics.

4. Exploring New Mexico

After exploring the United States and Europe, I figured I should take a little time to look deeper into what The Land of Enchantment has to offer. This is an interesting task because I've already seen much of New Mexico through the Boy Scouts, yet I can hardly place any of my camping trips on a map.

That's that. Hopefully you'll look forward to it (all one of you).

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Goals 71 & 80: England & Ireland...and the USofA

(Em)Brace yourself, this is the final country blog post (for now). This is the the trip that finishes my life in Sweden and brings me back home. I'll start it at the Västerås Airport. This is the last time I fly RyanAir, and despite their sheisty, no frills behavior, I love them. I wish everything in life had a no-frills, cheap as dirt option.

I was very concerned about my trip with RyanAir because I was bringing everything with me. My carryon couldn't be more than 10 kg, and my checked bag couldn't be more than 15 kg. Lucky for me, I put all of my books, a blanket, my camera, and other various things in my nice jacket, which weighed at another 10 kg. Luckily they don't weigh jackets, and luckily I can fit more than one pair of pants on.

As the picture above presents, I was flying to London. The English speaking islands west of Europe had escaped my travels the entire time I was in Europe. I had made many different trip plans to go there that never worked out, and on one occasion I even had tickets, but a certain volcano felt I had better hold off.

The first thing I notice is that London is filled with elephants. There was some absurd amount of elephants about the streets that were designed, and could be sponsored with money to help save real life elephants elsewhere.

Goal 73: See Big Ben

My first day/night in London was an interesting one. I had not heard back from my couchsurfers before I left Sweden, so I was continuously stopping in at various McDonalds to check if they were sending me directions or anything. They hadn't. They didn't.

So imagine if you will, you are living and going to school somewhere, and you finish school and are moving home. Imagine that you don't have a moving truck or a chauffeur. Imagine you're carrying everything you've owned and used for six months on your back in the form of two backpacks, one strapped to the other. Imagine you're carrying these without anyplace to go, in a humid, hot city. I hope for your sake you don't have a very good imagination.

Sure, people backpack around Europe all the time carrying everything on their backs, big deal right? Wrong. I wasn't backpacking Europe, I was living and studying there. I didn't just have the stuff I needed to survive, I had the stuff I needed to thrive.

So I happened to know about a concert going on, and since I had no place to go, I hoped they had a coat check (this wouldn't be the first time I checked a ridiculous object...seen me antlers?), and headed to it.

I walk up to security, and they decide they are going to have to check out all of the compartments in my bag to make sure I wasn't about to bomb the place. I walk in and approach the coat check. They were a bit surprised when I piled on about 40 kg of two bags to the counter, but calmly handed me a ticket that cost me a measly £1.50. These other guys were surprised, and moderately pissed because the coat check people wouldn't even let them put a jacket in their bag for that cheap. I ended up talking to these guys whenever I took a break from the dance floor.

The concert was actually a big line up of DJs and MCs. A couple of notable names were Stereo MCs, DJ Yoda, and....

Dan Le Sac vs. Scroobius Pip!

These were the guys I came to see. They were good, but if I didn't already know the words to their songs, I wouldn't have understood a bit of their English accent.

At about 4 am, my day pass ran out, and I still didn't have anywhere to go for the night, so I thought back to earlier in the day when I passed a "Democracy Village," hippy congregation. There were a bunch of people camped out there, so I figured it was a great place to crash.

When I woke up, it was odd. There was a guy with a messed up eye walking his dog, which had a purple anarchist symbol painted on it. There were also people going to work, and other people waking up. I knew from the day before that no one really goes into the camp, so I took all of my valuables out of my big bag, and left it there for the day.

Then I hit the city.

It was awesome seeing all of the sites in London. London bridge, totally not falling down.

Then I watched this group called "The Pantaloons" perform Hamlet. It was well done, and surprisingly, done to script and still funny.

So Blah blah blah... I walked around more and found my name on a sign.

I went to church while I was looking to buy some gifts for my couchsurfers. I couldn't figure out what kind of church it was, but it was neat to be in.

After London, I boarded some trains and a ferry. Next stop: Dublin.

I went through Wales on the way. The countryside in the UK was beautiful, and I do plan on returning one day to explore more thoroughly.

In Dublin, they have this huge spike of a tower. Apparently when England was imposing their rule on Ireland, there used to be a statue that basically meant "We're watching you." So the Irish destroyed it and put in this humoungous spike tower.

Goal 80: Drink Irish Guinness

I went to the Guinness Storehouse, across the street from the James' Gate Brewery. It was a really excellent experience. Apparently the brewery is on a 9000 year lease, 250 years old, the pride of Ireland, and tons of other cool stuff. I took a bunch of toasted barely that they had out for trying, and there was this video of a guy tasting it and being really into it, so I tried to project how delicious the barely was to everyone around me. Eventually I became an apprentice to the Master Brewer, because I rock.

At the top you get a free Guinness, and yes, it really IS better. It has a fuller, smoother, creamier, more flavorful taste than Guinness has ever had. I enjoyed the drink, and began to pick up other people's left over drinks as they left the bar.

FUN FACT: The Irish say that it's all about how you pour the Guinness that makes it taste so good. Apparently, you're supposed to fill it until the head reaches the top, wait a few minutes, and then fill the rest.

I was hanging out with my couchsurfer and company. We also went to Irish music at an Irish pub.

The next day I went with my pseudo-couchsurfer (my couchsurfer's friend that wasn't working) went to a costal suburb called Howth. It was gorgeous, and Irish.

Appropriately, we got fish & chips.

Ireland was awesome. I thought it was beautiful and fun, and I wish I was there longer. I'll be back.

Here's another fun fact: My flight home was out of Ireland, but connected to London before going home. This was the cheapest flight out of Europe...even cheaper than just buying a ticket from London. So I was stuck in London overnight on the way home.

Luckily I met a bunch of people who were also stuck in the London airport overnight. I met a guy who goes to UMASS, and some girls from Ireland, headed to Hawaii for the summer.

TA DAH!!!!!!!
(I think this picture is technically illegal, but not really.)
I did some stuff I hadn't done in WDC before, like go up to the top of the old post office.

...and get a zoom shot of the White House.
(Which I now consider as a palace, but unlike nearly every other palace I saw, you can't get close to the White House)
I skipped all of the Smithsonians, but did make it to the Holocaust museum.

It was an odd feeling to be back.

I saw Albuquerque come up on the monitor, and it started to set in that I was coming home...
