Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Some Graphics

This is a flier I made for the welding workshop, put on by NMT ASME every semester.

This was the poster I designed for my design team presentations. I didn't have to put too much on it because our exhibits would speak for themselves.

These are the graduation announcements I designed for myself.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Goal 48: Ta ta for now

Bachelor degree? Sure, as long as I pass all my classes. Including this one, which just happens to be MY LAST CLASS AS AN UNDERGRAD.

My mechatronics project was baller, but we had a lot more programs with the mechanical system than we could have imagined. Then we had more problems with the sensor. But we built our own mouse, and designed a totally new product that we plan to test and possibly commercialize.

Senior design was quite a time dump this year. As the leader of a project that had to design and build all in one semester, I had quite a challenge ahead of me.

After nights of coding and wiring, and days of building, we had a near-final product to display at final design presentations. I had a team of bosses as people played with our exhibits. In the end, we won with the highest scores across the board from all reviewers, professional and students.

Because of all the work, I was still working past the last day of finals, past the parties, and past graduation. So walking was for fun. It was a nice act to crown the previous five years, but not as satisfying as any moderately conclusive event that had occurred during those years.

Goal 48: Graduate and Earn my Bachelor of Science Degree
Mostly symbolic, and not really a release of any sort, I graduated. Nonetheless, I graduated.

"The Friendamily"

The days and week after I graduated were pretty hectic. Graduation parties in Socorro and the Jemez, and moving EVERYTHING from Socorro to Albuquerque, and saying goodbye to good friends like David Stockavas and Chris Santiago. I also had to quit Sandia, which is no easy task.

Six days later I left for Florida. I packed everything I would need for the summer the night before. I drove 17 hours, and then 18 hours, to arrive in two days. I moved my carload into the empty one bedroom apartment I was subletting from my dear friend Felicia Provost. I did all my paperwork, picked up my ID, and then had my first day at Walt Disney World Ride & Show engineering a few days later. It's like a dream.

I couldn't have been happier that things worked out with me at Disney. I love it, and I'm very excited for what the summer holds. I'll be listening to audiobooks, reading real books, and making graphics in my spare time. By the end of the summer, I anticipate I'll be moving to California to start the funding hunt at Stanford.