I had a lot of free time whilst in Atlanta. I explored the city, walked around streets, and looked at what the area might be like to live in. I liked Atlanta. I liked Georgia Tech. They had some very cool programs, and great architecture and design programs. But what really set Atlanta apart was its skybridges.
For the first time, I was able to take a picture of a skybridge...FROM ABOVE!
I had lots of time to contemplate the choice at hand: Georgia Tech, University of Michigan, or Stanford. I met lots of really cool people at Georgia Tech, but the most interesting, and most helpful, was a chap by the name of Leo Blanchik. He will be attending MIT in the fall, and we discussed in detail the issues of grad school, what it means, and how to decide.
I loved Georgia Tech, but it just wasn't where I wanted to go.
My last day was spent looking at a student car show and wandering around town in thought.
Since visiting Georgia Tech I have accepted enrollment at Stanford for the fall.
Since visiting Georgia Tech I have also completed a goal.
Goal 52: Eat Food I've Hunted and Killed
So Brian Kemper, Matthew Aurand, and I decided it was time to prove our self reliance by going out into the mesa and hunting ourselves some hoppity flesh: wabbits.
Typically, we drive around the back roads until we see a thick-legged daredevil run across the road. We hit the breaks, and sprint out into the hunt. After two nights our death squad returned with spoils hailing from two different species: jackrabbit (Matt's kill) and cottontail (my kill).
We brought our edibles back to the house for eating.
I equipped myself with surgical equipment: 1 X-Acto Knife, and 2 Latex Gloves.
Then I threw my tender little cottontail on the fire-grill, smothered in BBQ sauce and a bit of champagne, and waited a while.
Long story short: it was delicious, and everyone who later came was disgusted.